Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot 02

서사 구조

1. 아리스토텔레스 3단구조

처음 - 캐릭터 및 관계도 제시, 등장인물의 욕망/원하는 것 제시

중간 - 클라이맥스까지 연결됨

끝 - 결말부분

2. 호레이스 5단 구조

3. 엠마 모트 와 앨리스 애덤스의 5단 구조

A -  Action: specific, concrete 한 내용으로 관객 몰입을 시킴, 주인공이 '생각'하거나 수동적으로 움직이는 것은 액션이 아니다. 스스로 움직이는 것, Physically doing sth.

B - Background: 스토리가 일어나기 전에 있었던 일들 제시, 이를 통해 독자는 등장인물들이 앞으로 하는 행동에 대한 성격을 이해한다 = 행동의 원인이 되어줌

D - Development: 실제 이야기의 핵심, rising action, 그들이 원하는 것을 이루기 위한 여정에서 나타나는 장애물들에 실패하는지 또는 성공하는지에 따라 캐릭터 developing과 반응이 나타남, 주연이 원하는 것과 그것을 방해하는 장애를 다 보여줘야 함.

C - Climax: Biggest rising action, key narrative twist happens, 클라이맥스, 가장 중심 사건이 일어남, 여기서 일어나는 갈등으로 말미암아 주인공 캐릭터는 (내적으로) 크게 변화한다. 

E - Ending: 등장인물들이 여정을 통해 변화하는 결론이 나타나는 곳

각 파트별 길이는 자유, 보통 엔딩은 짧음

좋은 이야기는 원형구조거나 나선형

즉, 처음으로 돌아오되 약간 바뀌어있음

= 주연이 처음 원하던 걸 얻지 못했거나, 또는 얻었어도 예상치 못한 결과를 낳게 됨



Write a very short story - not more than 200 words - about a trip to the doctor or dentist using the ABDCE structure. Identify the structural elements in your story. My example is in the assignment introduction video, and reproduced below:

One night when I was eight years old I opened a bag of Doritos to eat while watching television. (A) Doritos were my favorite snack to eat as a child. Nacho Cheese was my favorite flavor. (B) I loved sitting in the dark hearing the “crunch, crunch, crunch” of the chips. I’d sit there, crunching my chips, but didn’t eat the chips with a napkin (what kid does?) and would forget about the powder that accumulated on my fingertips. As it got later and I got sleepier, I kept rubbing my eyes, my fingertips covered in Doritos Nacho Cheese powder. (D) When it was time for bed, I went to brush my teeth, looked in the mirror, and saw two large bags under my eyes. The Doritos Nacho Cheese powder had pooled into two large sacks underneath my eyeballs. I started screaming and crying. (C) The next day, my grandmother took me to the doctor who put industrial strength eye drops into my eyes to flush out the powder. (E)

Remember, the action in this story isn’t the actual doctor’s office visit. The action is what LEADS you to the doctor’s office.


(A) One day, Jared, the novelist, decided to write about superhero who has absolutely boring job. 

(B) Jared was never popular writer. His novel was too abstract so far. His budget had been empty. The book company suggested him to write hero novel. Still he wanted to write something paradoxical so thought about boring hero novel.

(D) Jared contacted to all of his friends to get connected to dentist. He thought the most paradoxical hero's job must be dentist in small peaceful town. One of his friends gave him a chance to interview with his dentist. Her name is Kate. Kate likes to have new experiences and for her get a close interview with writer is exciting! Jared asked to stay in her hospital for a week to observe daily work. 

(C) During the week, Jared concentrated to Kate's daily life and found that she is cute. Now he wanted to asking her a date more than write about stupid hero.

(E) End of the week, Jared suggest to drink a beer together as appreciating for her. Kate said yes and after one or two bottles of beer Jared said to her that he wants to meet her in next week too. 

일어서자 걷자 숨쉬자 눈 뜨자 by 테우리