10 Signs Your Not Living A Valued Life

10 Signs Your Not Living A Valued Life

I never really gave much thought to what I value 18 months ago and beyond. I tended to just react to everything. I’d go to a party because my friends wanted me there, or I’d say yes to things I really didn’t want to say yes to. I was working a job that paid well and gave me a great start, but it wasn’t giving me satisfaction. I thoroughly lived for the weekends and counted down days to holidays.

What a sad way to live!

It wasn’t until I (slowly) woke up to the fact that I had a strong value system and an even stronger intuition begging me to start listening within, that I finally started to turn my life around. Now it’s freakin’ ace!

So what are the warning signs you’re not living in align with your true values? Here are 10 big wake up calls you should start listening to now:

  1. You’re in a job you hate. We live in a reality where we have to work hard to make ends meet. But it doesn’t have to be painful. You most likely hate your job if it’s not something you’re truly passionate about. It can leave us deeply unhappy knowing we work long hours just to pay the bills.
  2. You live for the weekends. Find yourself regularly counting down the days til Friday? Fair chance #1 applies to you. Or there’s something about weekends that gets you excited because you don’t get to do it during the week. The weekend hold oodles of appeal – no bosses, friends are available to see, sports games are on, events are everywhere you look. You work hard during the week and let loose every weekend. When living a valued life, all the days, everyday feels like a weekend!
  3. You’re stressed easily. There are many reasons why we get stressed – work deadlines, health concerns, snotty kids, toxic relationships, and so on and so forth. But underlying almost all of your stress is a tendency to subconsciously go against your values when making daily choices. You know, when you consistently do things and work yourself up with a torrent of ‘I wish I did’/’I should’ve…’ thoughts?
  4. You don’t know what you want to do with your life. You’re just going with the flow, wandering aimlessly through your days. It all seems great on a superficial level, but intuitively you’re frustrated that you haven’t found that one thing that really excites you.
  5. You feel stuck. You’re stuck in a dead-end job, a relationship that sucks, or in a house you hate. You have this sense of hopelessness that you can’t move or change things.
  6. You let other’s expectations control you. You spend your whole time trying to please others. Do you have that feeling of wanting to do something but you won’t because your friends won’t expect that from you? When we let other’s expectations become the master of our choices, we’re living a life of their values, or most likely, their lies.
  7. You procrastinate. A lot. People who live a valued life don’t waste a second of their time. Even when they seem to be procrastinating, they are doing so with a purpose. There’s nothing wrong with taking time out for you or simply doing ‘nothing’. It’s about doing it with a purpose – are you doing ‘nothing’ because it rejuvenates you or because you’re bored?
  8. You suffer from comparisonitis. You constantly compare yourself to others and let it get to you because their life is so much better than yours. But who’s to say theirs is better? When you know what direction you want your life to head towards, you don’t care what other people are doing. Because you know that even if they look like they’re having the best life, so are you because you’re doing exactly what you want to do.
  9. You’re unhappy. Sounds cliché but it’s true. If you’re deeply unhappy, fair chance you’re spending your time wishing you were doing something else or being someone better. Realigning with your values gives you a sense of happiness as you follow your intuition. Your intuition never lets you down.
  10. You want to do things but feel like they’re totally impossible. Most of us have very realistic dreams, but they seem so out of reach. You let that fear stop you from pursuing your dreams.

If you’re checking this list off as everything relevant to you, don’t worry! Awareness is the first step in

transforming your life for the better. Once you become mindful of how out of alignment you are with your true values, you can then start taking proactive steps to start living passionately!


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