


'생각 기억 느낌 > 나 관찰일기' 카테고리의 다른 글

투쟁  (0) 2016.11.10
우간다 여성들의 자립을 돕는 토끼 프로젝트  (0) 2016.11.04
아무것도  (0) 2016.09.21
인생의 화두  (0) 2016.09.06
어제일들 정리  (4) 2016.08.24

How To Make A Comic Book MOOC 01



2HB Pencil or #2 Pencil

Zebra Brush Pen or Sharpie Fine Point

Copy Paper (A4 should be fine, but I haven't tested it with the worksheets - if someone does figure it out message me and i will provide A4 oriented instructions where they are needed)



Ruler (You will not need to use any measurements on the ruler for this course, so it doesn't matter if it is in American inches, metric, or otherwise.)

If you decide to make a comic with a cover, or make any more than four pages you will need:

Stapler (adjustable binding stapler)



A Bone Folder

Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot 01

Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot

main event: what's happened in your story

=> actions or events that occurred

Plot = what happened in your story & the connected order in which those evets occur

story는 시간 순으로 일어난 사건들의 나열

plot는 앞뒤 사건이 관계를 갖고 이뤄질 때 그 사건들의 집합

and then으로 연결되면 그냥 스토리

therefore로 연결되면 플롯인거임

플롯의 구성은 다음과 같다

eposition(배경상황 설명) -> inciting incident(주인공설명 및 메인이벤트등장) -> rising action(climax에 이어지도록 사건들이 발생, 주로 악역 등장) -> Climax(절정) -> Falling Action(절정에서 주연/악역의 행동 방향주어짐) -> Resolution(갈등 해결) -> Denouement (모든 의문점 해결)

해리포터에서 쓰였던 플롯

(1) 마법사의 돌

-> 도입부: 해리의 상황 설명

-> Inciting Incident해그리드 방문 후 마법사로서의 삶 시작

-> rising action: 학교생활 시작, supporter랑 antagonist 만남

-> climax: 퀴렐이 흑막임이 밝혀짐

-> falling action: 해리는 엄마의 보호로 살았고 퀴렐은 죽음

-> resolution: 그리핀도르가 하우스 컵 탐

-> denouement: 두들리 집으로 돌아옴


우리는 캐릭터의 운명이 아니라 의지를 그려야 한다.

캐릭터 만들때 필요한 5가지 질문

1) 그 캐릭터는 무엇을 원하는가?

: 이야기 구상의 첫 단계는 무언가를 원하는 캐릭터를 만드는 것이다.

이건 무언가가 '필요한' 캐릭터와는 다르다. want vs. need

2) 그 캐릭터의 약점은 무엇인가?

: 사람들은 캐릭터의 강점이 아닌 약점에 매력을 느낀다. 현실적인것도 느낌

3) 그 캐릭터는 어디서 왔는가?

: 지역/배경 등등, 정서적인 배경 포함

이를 통해서 캐릭터의 욕구와 행동반응을 이해할 수 있다

4) 그 캐릭터는 어디로 가는가?

: 캐릭터의 배경을 이해하고 행동반응을 안다면 앞으로 이야기가 진행될 때 얼마나 유연하게 반응할지를 알 수있다.

5) 그 캐릭터는 나를 어떻게 놀라게 할 수 있을까?

: 그 캐릭터가 내가 이끄는 대로만 행동하지 않고 스스로 선택할 수 있도록 여지를 주라.

rising action에서 이 캐릭터가 구체화 된다.

=> 캐릭터가 원하는 것, 방해물/사람, 주인공의 결점 으로 구체화됨

책을 설명하라고 하면

The Inciting incident




만 말해주면 됨

=> When an inciting incident happens to character, they have to overcome conflict/obstacles, to complete quest. 


Write a scene of 250-350 words featuring a character with one concrete want (a table, a moose, a toothbrush, anything physical is fine!) and one weakness. Use these two features to drive the action of the plot. Set up the story where every other sentence is a rising action. To help you come up with rising actions, use one word from the following list of twelve words in each sentence that has a rising action. In other words: Write your first sentence introducing your character. Make the next sentence a rising action using one of the following twelve words. Write your third sentence, which may introduce the weakness, then write your fourth sentence with a rising action that includes one of the remaining eleven words you haven’t used. And so on.

  • trick
  • memory (v)
  • aboard (v)
  • tiger (v)
  • pretend (v)
  • carrot
  • appliance
  • cage (v)
  • rings
  • crow (v)
  • filthy
  • explode

You must use at least 6 of the 12 words, but you are encouraged to challenge yourself to use as many of the words as possible while still meeting the word count

There was a girl who wanted a brick badly. She wanted to put it on one of her cage's hole. It might be not so hard to ask someone to find the right brick, however her parents hadn't took care of her for a long time, even she never felt that she was beloved. In school she had pretended to be cheerful, but deep inside of her mind there was hugry tiger which is eager to get loved. She rear a crow which was black as midnigt and big as cat. By talking with this bird in a cage, she could get rest. This precious cage had been broken one side. So she wanted to lean it on the wall stick that even the crow moved. The brick is what she needed.

 The family was poor and father worked hard and drink hard too. Her mother who was kind oneday, became tired of poverty, ran away to abroad when the girl was 4 years old or so. She can't remeber her mom, in her memories, there was only cold back of her father, always. The girl, therefore, don't trust any adults. She don't belive love and kindness. She just wanted to survive from cold, harsh situation. She is still too young to earn money by her own. She also had fear to find work within adults. They might hurts her or bring her strange places and never come back.

일어서자 걷자 숨쉬자 눈 뜨자 by 테우리